Wolvennest - Cinema
Event: Wolvennest - Cinema
Headliner: Wolvennest
Voorprogramma: /
Website: https://www.rocknloadconcerts.be/show/409
Prijs: vvk: 25,00 EUR / Kassa: 30,00 EUR
Locatie (zaal): Cinema
Adres: Hopmarkt 13, 9300 Aalst
Meer info: deuren open: 19:30, aanvang: 20:30
Wolvennest completely follows their own path, in a musical sense, with their lyrics and live performances. Their latest album ‘The Dark Path To Light’ is a great testimony to that. With this album and their afore mentioned individualism, they are one of the few bands that are followed abroad by a large fan base. The Brussels based troupe more or less created their own unique niche this way, with their hypnotizing form of ‘esoteric’ rock and musical progressions. En yes, a few lads in the line-up have a long standing roots in the Belgian punk and hardcore scene. But even then, they already walked a original path. And that will lead them finally to Aalst for a remarkable evening.