Dunk!festival line-up steeds meer gevuld
Het houdt niet op bij Dunk!festival. De organisatie voegt nog enkele namen toe.
Het gaat om Jesu, Jon Doe One en Skemer.
Meer informatie over deze bands lees je hieronder.
Jesu: Debuting in the early 2000’s during the rise of shimmering, melodic American post-rock bands, Jesu has steadfastly maintained a presence as an artist entirely comfortable existing on the fringes of the form. If you look at where the genre has progressed to, however, you’ll find Broadrick’s fingerprints everywhere. Think of the prevalent trends that have emerged in the past five years: slow-burning compositions with deliberate, hypnotic rhythms, heavy shoegaze influence, thickly distorted guitars – these are all cornerstones of Jesu’s expansive catalog. “Visionary” isn’t a word we like to throw around carelessly, but it is most certainly one that applies to Broadrick and his work under the Jesu banner.
Jon Doe One: The self-described “alter ego” of double bass player Hannes d’Hoine, Jon Doe One is a minimalist exploration of texture and mood, a dive into the spaces between notes that seeks to determine if musicians can tap into a personal sort of rhythm in a seemingly rhythmless space. Without the benefit of percussion, using only bass, clarinet, saxophone, and a rarely seen wind instrument called a serpent, the performers of Jon Doe One discover a distinctive beat all their own.
Skemer: Belgium’s Skemer is unlike anything we’ve explored in previous years, an entirely unexpected collaboration between singer/fashion model Kim Peers and Amenra guitarist Mathieu Vandekerckhove. You’ll find yourself immersed squarely in the throbbing, hypnotic center of a confidently realized blend of goth, post-punk, and synth pop, which boasts a natural fluidity that speaks to the chemistry the two artists share in this alliance. One way to describe Skemer’s music could be “sad dance,” but a single moniker can’t properly capture the essence of the duo’s propulsive, sophisticated electronic compositions. You’ll simply need to dive in and ride the waves to discover everything they’re about.
Dunk!Festival gaat in 2022 door van 26 tot en met 28 mei.