Dunk!festival volgend jaar indoor in De Vooruit

Dunk!festival en het Gentse cultuurhuis De Vooruit slaan de handen in elkaar: de volgende editie wordt indoor in de Vooruit gegeven.

Dat liet de organisatie zojuist weten. De volgende editie van Dunk!festival zal doorgaan in De Vooruit op 26, 27 en 28 mei 2022. Dunk!festival vond steeds in openlucht plaats te Zottegem, verschillende podia waren van elkaar weg opgesteld en je moest zelfs door een verlicht bos om dit te doorkruisen. Vele fans van het festival vrezen dat de magie van Dunk! hierdoor gaat verdwijnen. De aankondiging luidt als volgt:

Many of you got to know dunk!festival as an annual three-day outdoor festival in Velzeke, Belgium, though most of our events actually took place indoors.

Since 2005 we have been organising indoor music events under the prefix dunk! - yes, even the first editions of dunk!festival took place indoors!
In 2007 dunk!rock changed to dunk!festival, we moved to our previous location at the Bevegemse Vijvers and organised it as a two-day event until we added an extra festival day in 2011.
For our tenth edition, in 2014, we set up the stages in the rural environments of Velzeke for our first outdoor edition making some changes to the festival site each consecutive year.
We feel we have now reached the glass ceiling at this site and so after giving it some good thoughts we decided to organise our next edition on a new location…

Very stoked to announce dunk!festival and Kunstencentrum Vooruit are joining forces to present dunk!festival 2022 in Ghent, Belgium!
We are truly grateful for the given opportunity to bring our festival to a concert hall with multiple stages and though it will be different from our current location you can still expect three days of post-pleasure in the beautiful venue De Vooruit.
So mark your calendars: 26-27-28 May, 2022, Ghent, Belgium!
Lineup and ticket news will follow soon.

Dunk!Festival gaat in 2022 door van 26 tot en met 28 mei.
