Event: Sonic Excess presents: Midnight(US) + Cyclone(BE) + High Command(US) - De Kreun
Headliner: Midnight
Voorprogramma: Cyclone + High Command
Website: https://my.weezevent.com/midnight-cyclone-high-command?fbclid=IwAR05veq4KenwNeUY2di9v-pbO3YlJ7HYT8Ri3OAAD9vLuxktq15a3P5mIXM
Prijs: vvk: 26,00 EUR
Locatie (zaal): De Kreun
Adres: Conservatoriumplein 1, 8500 Kortrijk
Meer info:
This tour will be the only chance to catch Midnight in Europe live in 2024.
Filthy, belligerent and obnoxious, MIDNIGHT make music to start fights to. Since 2003, one-man-band Athenar has been churning out an ungodly racket, dropping countless demos, splits and EPs, and in 2022 he returned with Midnight's fifth full-length, Let There Be Witchery. Delivering more of what can be expected from his demented mind, it is a catchy mixture of black and speed metal and dirty punk rock, and it is relentlessly compulsive. "I always want it to be loud and nasty," he asserts. "That kinda thing never gets old with me. How funny will that look to see me at age 77 - if I reach that point - sitting on the porch blasting Hellhammer?"
After 2 years of relentless touring MIDNIGHT returns to the European stages with more LUST, FILTH AND SLEAZE.